7 Characteristics of a Successful Intranet
The thought of every employee using your online intranet software daily is a constant worry, as you pervasively envisage fellow colleagues struggling to use it, management unable to govern it, and ...
How To Use Workgroups to Encourage a Collaborative Culture
Two of the primary buzzwords in modern industry and commerce are “collaboration” and “empowerment”. Both have been supported – if not stimulated to new levels – by the advent of digital workplaces.
How to Solve Project Management Issues: Client Expectations
You’ve finally won that big client you were pitching for; months of meetings, planning, and conversations have paid off, and the hard part is at long last over. Or is it? In actual fact, the hard ...
5 Reasons Why HR Should Ditch the Annual Employee Survey
Employee engagement is in crisis. Gallup report that only 32% of US workers are engaged at work, and this figure has barely moved since they started tracking engagement levels in 2000. So why hasn’t ...
7 Really Useful Intranet Ideas to Engage Employees
It’s generally accepted that happy workers tend to be more productive, which in turn produces greater output and increased revenue.
The Role of Technology in Building a Remote Team Culture
Remote work provides a benefit galore for most HR departments. Talent acquisition officers can recruit talent without geographic constraints, increasing the chances of attracting the right talent. ...
Smart Ways to Build a Better Intranet Onboarding Experience
When you think about the onboarding experience, you usually associate this with new team members who have made the decision to join your company. They’re typically taken through an employee ...
How Internal Communication Software Can Save You Money
When it comes to investing in new company-wide software, businesses are often tentative as they don’t want to waste money on useless resources. This is completely the right attitude to take, and ...
How to Stop a Poor Corporate Culture and Reduce Staff Turnover
When it comes to staff turnover, there is often nothing more problematic than the culture within a business. Employees may leave for many reasons, but one of the biggest is down to workplace culture.