Improve efficiency, productivity and profitability across your business.

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Image highlighting the features of our business process management software - Policies and Procedures, Compliance and Quality, Document Management, Monitoring and Analytics.

Claromentis offers a number of powerful modules straight out of the box – we’re really looking forward to bringing this functionality to the users in our business.

Phil – Project Leader

(Nationwide, Transportation, 1,500 employees)


Supercharge your workforce with business process automation

Illustration of 2 people holding up a flashing Claromentis logo and a graph showing an upward trend

Enhance team collaboration and communication

Able to integrate with your existing systems, we help you establish a culture of continuous improvement. All while maintaining complete control of your processes through defined user roles and permissions. 

Our secure business process management software helps you quickly establish and update policies and procedures without affecting operations. Meaning your teams can have open, honest discussions on working practices to boost business outcomes.

Ensure employees know what to do in every situation

Change can be difficult for any business. You can manage, enable and support change management when updating policies or processes with our communication toolset. Communicate changes effectively, provide training when necessary, and track acceptance rate to ensure employee buy-in.

Streamline compliance and quality management

Embed compliance and quality assurance across your entire business and supply chain. Use compliance templates and training to increase awareness and improve processes. This helps you prepare for and pass audits with ease. 

Whether it’s ISO27001, ISO9001, GDPR, HIPAA or any other industry-specific regulation, we can help you achieve and maintain compliance.

Easily manage content and documentation in a single location

Claromentis lets you store, access and work on documentation in a central location. Establish guidelines for content management, version control and document lifecycle to maintain total control. Also, with role based permissioning, users can only access the information they need to do their work.

Use data to make better operational decisions

Detailed monitoring tools help you track intranet usage and performance. Using analytics, you can make data-driven improvements to your processes and procedures. These valuable insights lead to the kind of informed decision making that is key to growth.

Claromentis process management capabilities

Operational Policies and Procedures

A completed checklist with list items - a cog, people, floppy disk
  • Policy lifecycle management. Monitor acceptance rates with our fully audited lifecycle management tool. Ensure review and export deadlines are met.
  • Policy information formatting. Present policies in the best format for easy access and understanding. These can be intranet content, external pdfs or web links.
  • Mandatory policy notifications. Notifications help boost staff awareness on new and updated policies they need to accept. 
  • User-based policy access. Create user groups for different departments and divisions so employees only see relevant policies.
  • Comprehensive policy library. Increase transparency and accessibility by letting staff search and browse policies.
  • Customisable workflow stages. Adapt your policy creation process to apply suitable scrutiny and expertise. Users can comment on, accept or reject versions.
  • Auditing for compliance. Our policy manager tool audits every action. Including user viewing and acceptance rates, ensuring compliance and accountability.

Document Management

illustration of 3 people profile pictures linked to a document
  • Version control. Track changes with document revision history and audit logs. View, download and, if necessary, roll back to previous versions in just a few clicks.
  • Check-in/check-out features. Prevent conflicts by locking documents while editing. Need access? You can see who is currently editing the document and send them a quick message.
  • Access control. Gain full control over who can view, edit, move and delete documents. Permissions can be set per user, team, folder or document.
  • Document previews. Save space by viewing documents without downloading. Access instant views of your files in-browser.
  • Drag & drop uploader. Upload documents in seconds from your machine into Claromentis. Permissions will automatically default to the folder you add them to.
  • Integration with Google Docs and OneDrive. Consolidate external documents into a single location. Access external documents in your intranet without uploading them.
  • Document searching and filtering tools. We index document titles, headings, paragraphs and metadata. Meaning you can always find what you’re looking for.

Compliance and Quality Management

A doubly checked checkbox linked to 3 different nodes - '1', '2' and '3'
  • Compliance object creation. Create, manage and monitor both internal and external compliance procedures. Objects can be a document, page or a URL.
  • Compliance notification system. Email relevant users with compliance requests and/or tasks they need to do. Our tag system helps you target a specific audience.
  • Compliance procedure management. Monitor, manage and report on user understanding and acceptance rates. Save reports to help pass relevant audits.

Monitoring and Analytics

illstration of a monitoring icon encircled. with a hard disk icon being part of the circle
  • User trend analysis. Analyse user behaviour around documentation and policies with our powerful dashboards.
  • Multi-format data visualiser. Ensure your data is always understandable and actionable. Find the data format that works best for you, graphical, statistical or numerical.

Interested? Here’s what to do next.

Click below to find out more about the individual intranet applications that power Claromentis’ process management capabilities. Or, book a demo to see it in action.

BPA Applications
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